Yorketown, South Australia, Australia


Latitude: -35.0190402, Longitude: 137.60494100000005


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 GRABIA, Esme Phyllis  13 Oct 1912Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I1753
2 GRABIA, Joyce  6 May 1918Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I1754
3 KEIGHTLEY, Clyde  13 Nov 1917Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I1720
4 KEIGHTLEY, Kenneth  28 Jan 1911Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I1718
5 PLAYER, Audrey Alice  5 Jan 1916Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I1746
6 PLAYER, George Clive  2 Jun 1910Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I1745
7 PLAYER, Milton Stanford  7 May 1926Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I1747
8 TASSELL, Ronald Stewart  2 Apr 1915Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I1739


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 KEIGHTLEY, Beatrice Myrtle  21 Apr 1955Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I396
2 TRELOAR, Nicholas Victor  23 Dec 1960Yorketown, South Australia, Australia I6518