First Name List: Begins with B
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All first names beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Baden (1) 2. Barbara (17) 3. Barrie (1) 4. Barry (3) 5. Basil (1) 6. Beatrice (8) 7. Beatriz (1) 8. Beau (1) 9. Belinda (1) |
10. Benedict (2) 11. Benicio (1) 12. Benj (2) 13. Benjamin (18) 14. Bennet (16) 15. Bennett (3) 16. Berinda (1) 17. Bertha (3) 18. Bertie (2) |
19. Bertram (2) 20. Beryl (6) 21. Bessie (5) 22. Bessy (1) 23. Beth (4) 24. Betsey (1) 25. Betty (7) 26. Bevan (1) 27. Beverley (1) |
28. Beverly (1) 29. Bill (1) 30. Blair (1) 31. Blanch (2) 32. Blanche (3) 33. Blandinah (1) 34. Bonda (1) 35. Bradley (2) 36. Brenda (2) |
37. Brian (11) 38. Bridget (1) 39. Brook (1) 40. Bruce (7) 41. Bryan (1) 42. Bryant (1) 43. Bryce (1) 44. Burtrad (1) 45. Byron (1) |